I'm not sure what your first question relates to.... The Pentagon decision is not unexpected... why would they criticize themselves? Not very likely. What should happen next is for the Pentagon to answer this anomally.... 2 million served in two of the longest, most vicious, no holds barred, inhuman and thankless wars since Vietnam and not one of the Airmen that have served, no matter how heroically, no matter how unselfishly did they give of their life or limb for their fellow brothers-in-arms, did one, dead or alive receive the MOH. I quote below, my previous comment: "It’s a sad commentary that of the millions who have served in the past ten years of conflict in the WOT that so very few nominations for the MOH have been made, and a service shame that so many of our AF SPECOPs people have been wounded or killed in heroic actions against the enemy and not one, alive or dead, has received the Nations highest honor." "The USAF, because of it’s “Obstructionism”, being possibly made up of perceived excuses such as too much effort, too difficult to investigate, not the pilot, officer image, not an action associated with the AF primary mission of flying, just enlisted ground ops, or even personal image, PT profile or any other obscure, negative criteria is quickly gaining the reputation of a prejudiced, discriminatory, not-in-touch-with-the-reality-of-this-conflict service." "That image, quite possibly, will be the historical perception of our AF and show that we learned nothing about the shortcomings of AF thinking and its affect on enlisted awards during the Vietnam war and are about to magnify that fact during this conflict." A sad commentary, indeed.