Critics: Fort Carson policy targeted troubled, wounded soldiers
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11-16-2011, 07:38 PM
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Oct 2005
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Hope you didn't misunderstand what I was saying...self-medicating with illegal drugs & alcohol is niether an answer OR excuse for bad behavior. What I was trying to point out was that timing is everything. To illustrate, I've put two kids in the military about three years apart (one in 07 the other last year). They talked to all the branches then made their choices.
When we talked to the Army & Marines in late 2006/early 2007, they were willing and able to give waivers for various minor offences but in 2010, both services had tightended up considerably turning away people they would have accepted a few years earlier (spent a lot of time talking with the Marine recruiter last year...they have become much stricter)
So the stricter recruiting becomes, the stricter discipline becomes and more likely CC's will take a harder line on things like drug use.
Last I mentioned earlier, I always believed the AFs policy on drug use was "ZT" because that's all I ever heard, read and saw. But do you remember the WAPS cheating scandal from a few years back? The SMSgt convicted of sharing test answers? That all started with a SSgt who had popped hot for some type of illeagal drug use. This SSgt was punished but allowed to stay in...he was entered into some type of "second-chance" group program thing and in the spirit of honesty, let it out about the WAPS thing (sorry, don't remember the details). I was more shocked about the SSgt getting a second chance then the WAPS cheat cause I just flat out had never heard of any drug user getting a second chance!
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