Its pure folly to ignore it. There are 3 possible responses to skyrocketing unemployment - 1) Ignore it, and use the military to suppress the ensuing riots (as we did in the 19th and early 20th centuries), 2) Put them on an economic feeding tube indefinitely... or 3) Create jobs programs. There is a very simple reason we haven't created jobs programs - because the wealthy elite of America are against it. High unemployment increases corporate profits, and further concentrates wealth into the top 1%. As for your point on corruption and the blurring lines between government and corporate entities - that's true. But to suggest that a company wants higher regulation to hurt the competition is just as silly as saying Warren Buffet wants higher taxes to prevent other people from getting rich. The current cries for Austerity ignores economic history. Since WWII business and banks have been increasingly deregulated, and taxes have continued to be slashed. Not only has this not spurred economic growth like Conservatives claim, our GDP growth has actually DECLINED dramatically, and wage growth has stagnated for 30 years. As for the cries for privatization, this again ignores history. We forget WHY these functions were put under government control in the first place. Early "subscription" fire departments degenerated into protection rackets (Pay the fee for the fire brigade... or you might have an "accidental" fire at your house). We left the gold standard only after a hundred years of recession after recession, finally culminating in the Great Depression, where even the assets of the rich weren't safe... not to mention the risk of getting lynched by an angry crowd of starving blue collar folks. Social programs for the poor and unemployed were established after private charity failed miserably to support them. Furthermore on social programs, again, history has shown it doesn't work. De-regulation and massive tax cuts by Bush and Obama... according to Conservative logic, private donations should be going through the roof, right? Wrong. Many shelters and soup kitchens have been forced to either start charging fees, or shut down altogether, from lack of funds. So many fallacies... I'm not even sure where to start. There are more job applicants than there are jobs. That is proven fact. Major corporations are laying off workers to concentrate their manpower, and slashing employee benefits. Also proven fact. Unemployment persists, but corporate profits remain at record highs. Also PROVEN FACT. Its nice you found a website with a lot of job offers on it. That's real cute. But last time I checked there was a lot more than a million unemployed people.