As you know, people with expendable cash are proving time and time again that they are not concerned with the notion of being without health insurance.
Considering most people are in some sort of debt, adding a few thousand to their bills by using a hospital's services without health insurance seems like a reasonable notion, especially since it's fairly easy to walk away from an unsecured debt.
I see people time and time again more than willing to spend their money on beer consumption rather than being insurance protected, so the only answer I can come up with is forcing people, somehow, to purchase health insurance (or face a penalty).
Seeing my insurance premiums nearly triple in the last 4 years when I rarely even use it, while doing my best to stay healthy, is quite disheartening. It's perfectly reasonable to understand that hospitals will not force those without insurance to die in the streets, but I am starting to grow tired of being punished for trying to be responsible.