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Old 09-02-2012, 04:40 PM   #13

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Rigidity is found everywhere, not just limited to one sect.
Totally true ! Rigidity is not exclusive to the salafis... we have just to look around us...

In aqeeda the main problem is they tend to insist that Allah swt is in a location (a creation) and they say Allah swt is everywhere in Knowledge only. If true then they have conceived of Knowledge and the Knower as being two seperate 'things'. Knower, Knowledge and Known are one.

In Fiqh...because they reject the mathab methodology they approve of almost every law of Capitalism...riba, banking, finance etc. they have no Islamic halal alternative, they cannot even think of a action they are secularists...the deen is reduced to ibadaat (Salah, Sawm, Haj, Zakaat etc.) only, and Zakaat is reduced to Sadaqa (no collections by the ruler), just every individual makes contributions themselves. Jizya is abandoned too, and there is no talk anywhere of it ever being implemented anywhere. The world of business and trade (the economy) is run by Capitalist rules...Islamic rules do not apply....they have indirectly destroyed the deen.
As for aqeedah issue, I let it to the scholars.. If we just take the issue of the Attributes of Allah, Mufti Taqi's view is that the path of Ibn Taymiyya on this issue is correct, and that's enough for me.

As for rejecting the mathab methodology... I'm not agree, the salafis have differents views on this issue particularly when they're talking about the status of a layman. But what is common amongst all trend of salafism is the fact that for them, it's a duty for those who have knowledge to chose the soundest view according to the Qur'an and the Sunnah even if this view goes against the view of the madhhab the scholar follow.

As for what you've said about riba, banking, finance, and zakāt etc... I've never read about those issues from them but I'm surprised by what you're saying...

And what do you mean by "the deen is reduce to ibadaat" ? If you mean they don't talk about purifications of the heart, good characters etc for sure, you have not met enough salafis....

As for jizya, I'm surprised, go to some salafis forums and read what they're saying... Of course those salafis are not those who have the power but it's difficult to say that they don't talk about.

And to not apply islamic rules in finance etc is not single to the salafis... look around you in Europe etc, in many muslims nations, how many people used ribā ... even when they're far from being salafis...

Bugmenot have summarized the issue very well...
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