Firstly 'salafis' is such a broad term which cannot be used in a debate unless defined properly. There are plenty of sub-groups amongst arabs which in turn have are different from Indian sub-continent 'ahle hadith'. Secondly, some things we blame them for are in fact views within the hanbali school of thought which most of us are not aware of. And their views being stricter than the others is also well-known. Another thing which I find unfair is attacking them on 'weird' opinions like for example not using weak ahadith. Yes most of 'ulama allowed it [under strict conditions which we surprisingly forget often] but at the same time high-calibre muhadditheen also held the opinion of not using such ahadith. Should we also blame them for that? Also have a look at Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdil Wahhab aur Hindustan kay Ulama Haq.