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Old 09-02-2012, 09:43 PM   #24

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It was astonishing to read this thread considering your knowledge and links with Ulama.

I would concur with the sister's reply especially the above line. However, just my two cents that, yes there is a real problem with salafis which is not following an established school. This is only creating further divisions amongst the ummah and we can see for ourselves that salafis themselves have differing opinions on many matters because of self Ijtihad by many and most not even capable of it.

As for Anti-salafism, it is necessary when a group spreads mischief about the Imaams (some even calling them kaafirs), or people start calling one and all to interpret the Holy Quran and Ahadith themselves..Our Ulama are doing a good job and may Allah ta'ala reward them for 'nahi al an munkar' against misleading fatawas of the salafis such as considering three talaqs as one, or against anthropomorphism etc..

If you are talking about those salafis who are in fact following the Hanbali school of thought then they should at least be made to realize it (that they follow a set of scholars), or perhaps they too might get swayed with the know and teach yourself salafis.

May Allah guide us all towards the straight path.

there needs to be a balance. normally people don't know who salafis are. you mention hanbalis what about those who do taqleed mutlaq? however in refuting salafis you must admit people and groups take it too far. the number of times I have seen them being called khawarij , zindeeq and kafir. and when asked for evidence they point at the al e saud's friendship with US, their tall buildings and therefore by virtue of this all salafis are judged.

anti-salafism has very grave consequences on the political and social level for Muslims. recently in UK a scholar gave the fatwa that women should not wear the niqab there as they would resemble the salafis. imagine the hatred they have for them. people were ready to go overseas to kill libyan salafis for desecrating the tomb and reburial but none of them would go overseas to fight kuffar doing much much worse. in many areas where j!had is fard e ayn on people (because of the actions of kuffar and secular muslims), they do not pick up arms because salafis are leading from the front. so they go back to their mosques and warn against the najdis. salafi dawah is among the strongest in the world (look at what iERA did recently). what are the muqallid sufis doing to counter it or even equal their pace? some people hate Save Maryam simply because they are run by salafis. it is astonishing.

instead of looking for ways to bridge the gap between themselves and salafis they form a cocoon in which they want their respective groups to hide and practice the Islam the kuffar or secularists would allow them. it is madhabi hizbiyat at its best. it is this hatred which manifests in people labeling deobandis as najdis and khawarij. partly because of their stance on bid'ah and partly because they have a neutral view of salafis and partly because their ulema have been proactive and majority never believed in sitting idle as long as their masjid were in their hands.

i was recently looking at evidences for hadra. and i am also translating a salafi book. you know, there is no difference in the way both showed their ruling was correct one. both used ayats and hadiths and also opinion and fatawa of eminent scholars of the past. these are also salafis. if I didnt tell you the pro-hadra people were sufis you would probably think (and be astonished by it) that it was written salafis!

hence there needs to be a balance. the ulema who are balanced never stop criticizing salafis yet they don't go overboard either.
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