Extremists exist everywhere and it wouldn't be just to bring that point in here like those you mentioned. I haven't heard of Ulama labeling Salafis as kafirs and more so for absurd reasons like tall buildings :s..and people willing to kill salafis in libya is yet another extreme which is too something new to read. What I meant by anti-salafism is what I wrote next to it i.e. to speak against their incorrect rulings and methodology and it cannot be matched with hatred against other groups which I agree that people do have and is erroneous & destructive to unity (but it is not limited to anyone particular group either). I did not say that they are not doing any good and only pointed out that our scholars speak against that which is wrong and it is correct to do so. Just because they are using good methods, reaching to the youths and supporting charity programs or even bring out similar evidences to practices, should we accept their incorrect ideology as well ?.. I do not think my answer was exaggerating against salafism and it was in response to the query of "any real problem with salafis" which is why I pointed out a few problems..I was not talking on behalf of those who take it towards extremes so it isn't correct to ask me to admit anything..As for my mentioning hanbalis what I meant was those laymen who tag themselves as salafis (while following the hanbali school) should be made aware of the problems of self-interpretations which they might get into due to resembling with Salafi's. Anyhow, what can be done is admire there efforts for spreading of deen but at the same time point out their errors and this is what I think is being done by upright scholars.