Thread: To Muslims
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #28

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Obviously your soo preoccupied with your Shia hate. You don't even understand what I'm saying!!!!! WE ARE HURT that the Arabs treated us soo bad, and now they deny everything.
Wallahi i do not hate any Shia just for being shia and i consider the moderate ones within the fold of Islam. As a matter of fact i have plenty of shia friends who grew up with me and my community who alhamdulillah are now "sunni" since we accepted them with open arms and the became like those they surround themselves with. I understand what you are trying to say b/c i have heard it before. The problem is what you are saying is not based off of any facts at all what so ever. Let me ask you again what do you think of Imam Ali, Hussein, and Hasan RA, who Arab as well.

Maybe you are hurt that our great MUSLIM sahaba conquered your Persian "ancestors" with relative ease despite being heavily outnumbered all due to the will of Allah SWT.
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