The scholars and spiritual masters are held to a higher standard
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09-03-2012, 11:21 PM
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Oct 2005
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Brother Abu Hamza. How many of today's 'spiritual masters' and scholars actually get past level two?
The five degrees of TAQWA- Imam Ibn Juzayy R.A.
1. That the slave should protect himself from kufr (covering over the truth), and that is the station of Islam;
2. That he should protect himself from acts of disobedience and forbidden things, and it is the station of turning or repentance [tawbah];
3. That he should protect himself from doubtful matters, and that is the station of caution or carefulness [wara'];
4. That he should protect himself from even those things that are permitted (i.e, avoiding what is more than absolutely necessary of this world) and that is the station of doing without [zuhd];
5. That he should protect himself from the presence of other than Allah in his heart, and it is the presence of witnessing [mushahadah].
Source: Al-Kalbi, Ibn Juzayy. Kitabu-t Tashil li ‘Ulumu-t Tanzil. Trans. Abdassamad Clarke. Unpublished.
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