I'm alluding to the fake charlatans out there who legalise all sorts of doubtful actions such as istagatha, music etc., which further serves to catalyse the growth of a movement today that dismisses the whole of the noble science of tasawwuf. for the advice, which is much appreciated. However, please forgive me for not being able to restrain myself when I read about the true spiritual masters who would be scarred for life for failing to practise one sunnah momentarily, and those bandied about today who are beyond criticism for shaving daily, dancing to music, treating three talaqs as one, reciting regularly ya abdal qadir jilani, building over graves, and all the other doubtful practices that can be justified on the premise of adopting the tarjeeh/ijtihad of a latter day mujtahid, in conflict with the clearly recorded and non-inferred ruling of the early mujtahids.