I think you may be referring to Imam Nawawi here and the trimming/shaving issue. If so, you need to really let that one go because your digging yourself further and further into a hole, never mind the fact that you are in effect dismissing a whole madhab (much in the same way as the ahle hadees do to Hanafis on issues such as raful yadayn). PS: You have quoted Sh. Uthman dan Fodio on scrupulousness etc. you might want to do a search on him on this forum for a particular thread because as per your lofty standards he falls quite far short. He has described 4 levels of wara'a and you have asked the question whether any of the 'spiritual masters' have made it past level two. But I don't think Sh. Uthman dan Fodio would get past level 1 according to your lofty standards.