I was inspired by Exel's "You know you're somali when..." thread [B]1)... everybody is your cousin/uncle/aunt[/B] 2)...you smell like wot/tsebhi 3)...a party/baal starts at two o'clock and you show up three hours later. 4)...your head used to flood in oil/cream when you were a kid 5)...your parents talk extremely loud on the phone 6)...your parents want to call your name but they call all your siblings first before they finally get it right 7)...at every wedding it looks like all the women have robbed a jewelry store 8)...your parents say "brazer" instead of "brother" and "worlid" instead of "world" 9)...elders say that they had to walk 20 miles to go to school 10)...Johnny Walker (Red Label), Arequi and Ouzo have a special place in your heart 11)...you were beaten with a wooden spoon (mochos) or a slipper 12)...your parents always watch ETV/EriTV/CNN 13)...your family back home thinks you're rich post more !