Who have more Nilotic/Bantu admixture? Ethios or Somalis?
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05-26-2010, 04:55 AM
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Oct 2005
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"Ethiopian" is not an ethnicity, while "Somali" is... some Ethiopians are Somali.
1) Somalis are one of the most homogeneous people on the planet...saying something like "Southern Somalis are more Bantu" shows how little someone would know about Somali population movement. The southernmost Somali city, Kismaayo, is basically a Majerten city, so are you claiming, the Majerten, that your kin from Kismaayo, are more bantu than you, because you hail from Puntland?
2) The Nomadic Somali clans, "Dir, Isaaq, Daarood, and Hawiye" have little differentiating them. I doubt that myself, an Isaaq, or you, a Daarod, or Excel, a Hawiye, will really differ that much on the 23andme test.
3) The agricultural Somali clans, "Digil and Mirifle...aka Rahanweyne" on the other hand may be substantially mixed. Bantu admixture though will be quite minimal even with them, instead, these groups may have been historically Oromo and or Garre (a lowland east cushitic group, with close affinity to Somali) and only recently, ie within the last 4 centuries, Somalicized via the southward Somali expansion towards the Tana river.
4) The Somali expansion southwards to present day Kenya basically finished by the 18th century, had there been no European colonization of Kenya and Tanganyka, I'm certain Somalis would have reached Mount Kilimanjaro by the mid 19th century, and have completely taken over the Masai Mara area bordering Kenya/Tanzania . Contacts with Nilotic groups like the Samburu, Turkana and Masai have only occured recently, and even then, the mixing has been kept to a minimum. This is not the case for other Cushitic speakers, like the Rendille and Borana Oromo, who have also been culturally influenced by Nilotes.
5) There has been no Nilotic presence in the eastern horn...ever. It seems like the Great rift valley has been some kind of natural barrier for the two groups, Nilotic speakers and Cushitic speakers, until recent history (1600s onwards).
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