Who have more Nilotic/Bantu admixture? Ethios or Somalis?
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05-26-2010, 05:09 AM
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Oct 2005
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I know Ethios are comprised of many different ethnic groups but I basically meant the largest one (Amharized Oromos and real Oromos = over 60-70% of Ethiopia).
Honestly I don't believe in the Somali clan system anyway, sounds like some made up stuff to me. There is no proof people who live nearly 1,000 miles away from Puntland are really of the same clan. There is indeed a slight difference within Somalis you can’t deny it, but for the untrained eye it is hard to detect.
About the Somali Southern expansion, I think it was more of a language shift than a total population shift. Just natives such as the Garre, Rendille etc who became Somalis. That's all what happened.
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