There are no Bantus in Ethiopia in the first place. I am not Ethiopian, I am Eritrean. And yes, some Ethiopians remark on physical differences, could you show me one society where that does not happen? Many Ethiopians are indeed Pan-African, they're not "pretending" or whatever it is you're saying. If you want to discuss the flaws in Pan-Africanism, feel free to do that. But don't start making up stuff about people you clearly don't know anything about.
Southern Ethiopians are not technically Bantu but they resemble Bantu, the Mursi people in particular Mursi woman It is rare to see these people ever represented by Ethiopians. Only recently did you have The first Miss Ethiopia that represented the Gambella region. Miss Ethiopia from Gambella - Now who would have guessed she was Ethio?, when all you like showing us is lighter skinned Ethios