First Post:Any Murid Of Hazrat Maulana Hakeem Akhtar Sahab Db Here?
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09-04-2012, 03:22 AM
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First Post:Any Murid Of Hazrat Maulana Hakeem Akhtar Sahab Db Here?
Assalamoalaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarkatoho
This is my First post .
I m Murid of Shiekh ul Arab Wal Ajam Arif Billah Hazrat Aqdas Maulana Shah Hakeem Mohammad Akhtar Sahab Damat barkatuhum,
Is there any Murid of Hazratwala db .?
When i sit in HAZRATWALA DB majlis my heart conditions change just by watching Hazratwala db ,age is 84 yrs approx,but face is shining more than a SUN , for me . MASHALLAH.
HAZRATWALA DB heart is indulge in the Love of ALLAH SUBHANAHO WATALA and Rahmatul LIL Aalamin SALLAHOALAIHI Wasallam,,
Hazrat wala db emphasizes too much on saving the eyes from all non Mahram Woman and Young Lads , really it break the heart too much when we practice upon it , as in Offices, Bus stops, Colleges Universities, Shops ,sign boards , recpetions, in home non mahram women, etc etc , its a big MUJAHIDA but really Heart attain Sweatness of IMAAN , Halwat e Imaan
Pray for me also ,
My Shiekh HAZRATWALA DB mostly pray this dua that O ALLAH MAKE Me and All of u and our family members And Whole Ummat e Muslima ALLAHWALA and give IMAAN to all Non Muslim and make all of them ALLAHWALA,
Its showing Mohabbat of all Ummat MASHALLAH
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