She really looks very, very dark. Maybe she's in the shade, sometimes cameras show extra dark colours in some lighting situations, as their automatic light detection is fooled by the overall bright light. At the start, when he hose her, you can see a patch of sunlight on her shoulder for a moment (1:11-12), so she must be in the shade. You can also see her tan lines, she has a very pale butt!!! But even if we account for the lighting, she definitely still has a very dark brown tan. Ps. an example of this shade effect - look at this shoulder, how the leaves of some tree makes the colour very dark, compared with the real colour, which is the colour in the sunlight. If this shoulder was entirely in the shade, it would look overall dark, but the person isn't dark at all (I took the pic). Obviously the girl in the video is much darker, but she could still look darker than she is due to the shade.