Americans, infact ive begun putting American on papers that ask for race lol. I'm often moderately liberal so sometimes fellow Americans can piss me off with idiotic statements or religious stupidity but i still love em Americans are adorable. Next would probably be Canada. Not because of my father's ties to the country but because they are really similiar to Americans espeacialy Americans from the Northern areas and i love Hockey so it works well. Despite my dad being Swedish born & my mother being first generation. I really don't feel all that close to swedes. I even refuse to learn the language although thats mainly because of laziness and i find learning it useless. Personaly besides experiences with my own family. My experiences with Swedes on the internet have mostly been bad. In other words a lot of them were assholes except for one. I typicaly favor the British when it comes to foreigners. It seems like British people are just soooooo nice and hilarious on average. Ive never argued with a Brit. Never had any problems with them. My best friend is a Black Brit who relocated from the country to California. Love her to death.