Marine engineering course
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09-22-2012, 01:37 AM
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Nov 2005
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The 4-year module of a course on receiving degree recognizes wisdom that was declared by the great philosopher one hundreds years ago! Preparing students for the Sea Industry through extensively covered theoretical classes, to practical technical education on a workshop in the campus, Shipyard & Shipboard training from the campus, the curriculum guarantees a sufficient exposure Electronic, to the Computer & Information technologies. There are full 8 semester.
Course details as follows:-
Subjects include
- English
- Applied mathematics
- Physics and electronics
- Informatics
- Sea management.
Subjects, such as Technology of Operation of the Vessel and other applied subjects (Sea Trade, Sea Development, the Science about environment, Control systems etc.) are also concentrated on. Programs of training help candidates to inspire the qualities necessary for a profession, and intellectual and physical. Practicals which are carried out, are in the following subjects - Astronomy, Chart Work, Practical Navigation, Magnetic and Gyroscope Compasses, Electronic Navigation AIDS (A radar, Dekka System and the Satellite Navigator etc.).
Growth of the ship-building industry
The recent world of Researches, predict steady growth of International trade. That it means, "Sending", as the way of the international and intercontinental transport system never can go got out of fashion is being most easy & nevertheless in the cheapest way!
Pleasantly, advance in Equipment & technology had effect on growth from the point of view of increase in number of the vessels bending these seven seas in comparison with increase in cargo movement of volume. However, with advance in Technologies, the requirement to Competent Sea Engineers increased after an exhibitor. Therefore, the students passing from all institutes, continued to remain as one of the looking most for with Shipowners, globally.
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