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Old 08-22-2012, 06:17 PM   #2

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Oct 2005
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...just when I thought I found something that didn't incorporate faith or make any outlandish claims such as how the universe started and what happens when you die, etc, I bump into the topic of rebirth, now this I have an extreme problem with, another claim that is being made based upon what?
welcome JoeB

in Buddhism, the notion of rebirth is based in the reality of action (karma) & result (vipaka). for example, Buddha taught when a person performs a skilful action, they will 'appear' or 'take birth again' in a heavely world. the Buddhist word for heaven are 'sugatiṃ' & 'saggaṃ', which literally means 'a happy state'.

similarly, Buddha taught when a person performs an unskilful action, they will 'appear' or 'take birth again' in a state of deprivation or hellish world. the Buddhist word for 'deprivation' is duggatiṃ, which literally means 'a difficult state'. the word for 'hell' is 'niraya', which means 'to go to destruction'.

for example, often we can witness people & friends do things that lead to them ending up in a difficult state of self-destruction, such as getting addicted to drugs, gambling or acting in ways that destroy their relationships, health & wealth

therefore, to answer your question, the 'rebirth' teachings are based in the natural psychological laws of action & result. however, the Buddhist word/s generally translated as 'rebirth' do not have any literal meaning of a mind from one life being reincarnated into another body in another life

people interpret the 'rebirth' teachings according to their dispositions. most Buddhists interpret the rebirth teachings in a physical life-to-life way and other Buddhists interrpet the rebirth teachings in here-&-now psychological way

regardless of the interpretation, the fundamental truth remains that the actions performed now will create a mental result which takes 'birth' in the future

Why is it believed? Is there a reason to believe it? etc... I would be much appreciative...
the Buddhist scriptures explain that a person that believes in rebirth will shun unskilful bodily, verbal & mental actions (such as killing, stealing, lying, getting angry, etc) and will adopt skilful bodily, verbal & mental actions

Also, if I offended anybody in this post, I apologize in advanced, I am not meaning to offend anyone of any faith, I just would like answers to better myself, my life...
practising Buddhists should not take offense at criticisms of their views & beliefs. therefore, the only potentionally offensive inference you have made is that a Buddhist can take offense. but since Buddhists should not take offense, you have not offended anyone

as for liking better answers for your life, most, if not all of us, are the same as you. further, Buddhism has the answer to all relevent questions pertaining to human well being, whether materially, socially or psychologically

myself, i have been a practising 'Buddhist' for over 20 years. practising the teachings is vitally important to my life. i have done lots of meditation. but i have never once believed in literal rebirth. for example, i practise ethical (skilful) behaviour exclusively for the sake of non-harming & happiness. i practise meditation exclusively for the sake of here-&-now peace & well-being

whether one believes in literal rebirth or not does not really change the practises & behaviours that make up the Buddhist path. for many Buddhists, believing in literal rebirth motivates their practise but, whether you believe or not, the practise of Buddhism remains the same

in short, believing in literal life-to-life 'rebirth' is optional

welcome again. kind regards


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