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Old 08-10-2012, 04:31 AM   #11

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Oct 2005
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It might be a good idea to buy some books on Buddhism in plain english (or your primary language) about Buddhism in general.

I made that mistake when I first started studying Buddhism, I bought books with a lot of pali words that I did not understand with topics that were over my head.
One of the best books I bought was a comicbook for children about the life of Buddha
I want to share some knowledge that I found very useful in my studies. It is a gem. When you are reading something you do not understand you can read it anyways, add into the expectation of your mind this - absorbsion and patience. It was taught to me this way, the knowlegde and the lessons are already there, if one intends to learn the lesson the way will open. the lessons you have missed will be taught to you if you intend to learn them. i found later, after reading, that my mind was actively absorbing the realisation needed, seemingly from nowhere. it was described to me as the spirit. in any case the enlightenment was met, and awareness bestowed, simply by his suggestion that the body will absorb the lessons anyways. i took it further and realised that books and teachers are not even needed, that the mind and body can absorb, or attract any lesson one wishes to learn, simply by stating your intent. when asked where i learn what i learn i simply say i harnass or i channal the chi to my wishes.
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