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Old 08-10-2012, 02:35 PM   #12

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Oct 2005
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In learning to understand what buddhism is about, i found it helpful to read biographies of the buddha. One of my favourites was by Pankaj Mishra who is an indian so it is interesting on many levels. His chapters on teh buddha's enlightenment i found very inspiring.

I definitely second going along to a buddhist temple or meditation group or do a retreat. I think you can learn a lot about meditation in a retreat that takes a lot longer when you are trying to do it alone.

I have found reading widely helps. Seek out authoritative (well regarded) authors and books because not all books are equal. For meditation Bhante Gunaratana is excellent.

I also found for the practice of buddhism, the Noble Eightfold Path is the most helpful thing.

Learn about impermanence, not-self and dukkha. These are the three characteristics of existence according to buddhism. Working out a practice of not-self is a great thing to do but its not easy to find people writing well about it and therefore its not clear how you should go about living as if you beleived in not-self. I think the best person i've found on that topic is Dana Nourie from the Secular buddhist Association website. She said she might write some articles about it soon. Certainly if you can practice the eightfold path you will be a long way towards praticing not-self.
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