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Old 08-10-2012, 03:04 PM   #13
AmericaAirline 111

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Learn about impermanence, not-self and dukkha. These are the three characteristics of existence according to buddhism. Working out a practice of not-self is a great thing to do but its not easy to find people writing well about it and therefore its not clear how you should go about living as if you beleived in not-self. I think the best person i've found on that topic is Dana Nourie from the Secular buddhist Association website. She said she might write some articles about it soon. Certainly if you can practice the eightfold path you will be a long way towards praticing not-self.
Dana Nourie is an American woman who writes on the internet ( she's a "Senior Technical Writer/Content Strategist, Community Manager and Social Media Specialist") and isn't actually a recognised teacher of Buddhism.

Renee -this is a teaching from Buddhadasa Bhikkhu on the "Three Univeral Characteristics "of impermanence (anicca), unsatisfactoriness/suffering (dukkha), not -self (anatta)

More about not-self (Anatta) from Ajahn Sumedho here in "Self View, Personality and Awareness":

There's also Buddhadasa Bhikkhu's "Anatta and Rebirth" which is worth reading too:

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