"and isn't actually a recognised teacher of Buddhism." As a secular buddhist, i don't need to take all my learnings from lineaged buddhist teachers. In fact a lot of those sorts of people i have profound disagreement with. What i like about the way Dana writes about not-self is that its practical not just theoretical and she says things that i haven't found others saying and which make a lot of practical sense and are easy to verify through ones own practice. I don't feel like reading that article right now. I going to make an assumption that he just articulates the usual generalities about what not-self is. Perhaps you could cut and paste something particularly different if you feel motivated. I have read many many people talk about not-self and everyone just writes about it as a description of reality and does not show us how to apply that concept to make a difference in our lives. It seems to be assumed that if you accept the concept of not-self you will automatically be able to practice it but i am inclined to think that is not at all the case.