Confused about Buddhism and the soul
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07-23-2012, 01:37 PM
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Oct 2005
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I have recently think I found the answer to soul...
I feel I understand why Buddha never did acknowledge soul theory...
The soul theory definition is there is another or an entity resides in the body.
An understanding came to me is that the only thing that resides in the body is you... So why did you label yourself as a soul? Why did you label yourself as a another party?
Can't we say it is we who resides in the body? What do we call we who resides in our body? Does it matter?
To not label yourself of anything nor identified ourselves with a mind created image of supposedly us (attachment to the identity), is the path to Anatta which is No-self.
This is what I understand so far.... The atman theory varies however as Atman put soul and ego together... For those who follow Eckhart Tolle's teaching is that the soul and the ego is different. Ego is the creation of the mind while the soul is who we really are.
However the soul theory is really weird... For example, my soul is pure... Really? Do you own your soul? Why can't you say I am pure?
Then there is my body and my soul... Really? Then who is that fellow who is labeling my body and my soul? A third party?
So maybe that is why Buddha find this soul theory ridiculous as there is no soul, there is only I...
This is my opinion based on some weird but kinda insightful thought that out of nowhere arises.
Peace be with you.
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