Confused about Buddhism and the soul
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07-30-2012, 12:43 AM
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Oct 2005
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what gotamo Buddho meant es not called sou.But he didnīt say that there is no such ting. The concept of the soul depends on the buddhist direction you are in or going into.
I donīt like to tell the other buddhist directions of, but my position is the one of a Pali-Canon reader and praticing. Iīm in no buddhist
organisation. I studied all by myselfand also practiced. I reached the highest point that can ever be reched by mankind. An d I found out that the Eightfold Path is working very well.
In Pali-Canon ther is Brahma and he is in the beyond. There are eben devilisch worlds for extreme bad behavior.
Wahatīs left after the physical death might be called soul or atman,or how could there be eincarnation. Beneath Brahme there are the 33 gods and below of them are the four gods of the world.There is even a messenger called S
donīt belief me, read the Pali-Canon and especially the Dighanikayo. If you can read german look for the edition from Neumann, Karl-Eugen,
Szolnay Verlag Wien. Iīm posessing the edition of 1957. Some might tell you, that i was not translated good enoug, but think from which point of view they critize it.
good luck
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