Keeping it simple!
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05-10-2012, 11:20 PM
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Oct 2005
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Keeping it simple!
I don't know about my fellow beginners but I STILL keep swamping myself with far too much information. It's like I can't just patiently and methodically develop my practice. More books! Look at really advanced posts on forums! Get confused! Get disheartened! Get another book! Repeat!
I keep forgetting that Dhamma really is very simple stuff (but also hard work, like anything worthwhile). Strip away hundreds and hundreds of years of acculturation, commentary, etc it has a profound relevance to my life in 2012.
I need to reel this crazyness in and I've decided that all I need at the moment is:
1. Daily meditation (with or without a downloaded Guided Meditation on my mp3)
2. Just these books (for me personally, it's not a suggestion)
i. Anguttara Nikaya Anthology: An Anthology of Discourses
ii. The Dhammapada
iii. Noble Eightfold Path: Way to the End of Suffering
3. Attend my local Vihara once a week
4. Buy a back support and stop griping
5. Practice what I preach (to myself)
I attend a Theravada place once a week and it is for the most part hugely beneficial. However, I keep picking up yet another free book each week and for the most part they are currently way too advanced for me. Yet I'll sit down and plough through them until my brain fogs up, usually halfway through the introduction. I'm like a bloody magpie with these books. Perhaps I subconsciously think merely owning them will help?
I've signed up to do the Elementary Dhamma exam and one of the monks gave me a big, thick book called the Manuals of Buddhism which I can make no sense of whatsover. He meant well, I know that, he must just think everyone's as massively accomplished and learned as he is.
Are there any beginners out there attending an offline Buddhist centre? Are you currently struggling with some of the aspects of your chosen tradition? I ask this in the spirit of 'keeping it simple'.
I genuinely struggle with some of the 'ritual' (for want of a better term) within the tradition I have chosen, especially after having read (here we go again!) some books about the early history of Buddhism. Yes, Stephen Batchelor being one, but also 'Gautama Buddha' by Vishvapani Blomfield, among others.
Am I just another potential Pick'n'Mix Westerner who just can't admit that? Hmmm.
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