To be, or not to be ?
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03-04-2012, 07:07 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Hi Brickie,
Its fine for lay practitioners to be married and to love each other and their families.
Buddha said in AN 4.55 Samajivina Sutta :Living in Tune ....
Husband & wife, both of them
having conviction,
being responsive,
being restrained,
living by the Dhamma,
addressing each other
with loving words:
they benefit in manifold ways.
To them comes bliss.
Their enemies are dejected
when both are in tune in virtue.
Having followed the Dhamma here in this world,
both in tune in precepts & practices,
they delight in the world of the devas,
enjoying the pleasures they desire.
Buddha's advice to laypeople can also be read in Sigalovada Sutta DN 31
My opinion is that instead of trying to get rid of one's emotions and attachments/clinging, one can begin to notice and understand them more through Dhamma practice. Gradually they might then become less intense when the mind is tranquil and has more wisdom.
with kind wishes,
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