Absolute beginner II
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10-06-2009, 12:29 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Thank you all so much for your kind wishes
I think I am beginning to understand much more of what I am all about. there have been periods in my life when I have, at least in my own mind, hit rock bottom and could be accused of wallowing in self pity, clinging onto misery, (which seems to fly in the face of certain teachings).
Very lately I have had some issues to work through and it occurs to me that these events would normally have brung me much lower, more intensly and for longer.
I realise that Dharma is helping me to see things just as they are. I've always had an intellectual understanding of teachings but to realise things experientially is a whole other thing entirely. These realisations can only come from experience. No book or teacher can experience something for you. They can open the door but you have to step through it.
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