Absolute beginner II
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10-23-2009, 01:21 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Hi Everyone,
Considering that I am an absolute beginner, I decided to read the thread Absolute Beginner I and, after a few days reading, have wound up here. Thank you Steve for starting the initial thread and my thanks to everyone for posting.
I have done a little bit of meditating in my life, but I have never set up and stuck to a practice. It has only been within this past month that I've decided to seriously explore Buddhism and so I have just begun to do some meditation here and there. These threads have been a pleasure to read and have encouraged me to continue. And so I hope to join in and share a little of my experience with all of you.
Steve, one thing, I have read people post to you that you should begin a practice of lovingkindness towards yourself and I strongly agree. I am in the same position of needing to work at that with myself. I find I can send metta most easily to neutrals and then to friends and family, but I find it hard to sent it to myself. I almost feel as if I'm doing something wrong when I say "May I be happy, etc..." before saying it for others. Either that, or I just forget about myself as someone in need of metta.
Pema Chodron has said something to the effect that self-denigration is the greatest block to enlightenment. She has also said something else which I have found very useful and that is that it is important to take an attitude of "No Big Deal" or "Lighten Up." Hopefully we can learn to love ourselves while cultivating a light touch and a gentle sense of humor.
May you all be well (and me too),
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