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Old 01-18-2011, 09:33 PM   #7

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Yes, I think that when thoughts settle and the mind becomes more peaceful and spacious, very relaxed gentle breathing isn't so noticeable.
Yes, this is true.

Roshi Taisen Deshimaru dedicated his life with special devotion to the practice of Zazen and Shikantaza. He leave a very important knowledge about this meditative technique that is the main aspect of Soto Zen schools.

In his book Vrai Zen (True Zen) he gives a very wide exposition of the benefits that Zazen can bring to our physical and mental helth. In addition to what has been told about breathing, there are other benefits, because of this special breathing rate, in relation with the electromagnetic performance of the brian. The brian in an ordinary way works with Beta rhythms that are essencialy chaotic and desorderly. Zazen and its particular breathng rate shifts quikly from Beta into a special kind of Alpha rhytms different as the ones that are given by an ordinary concentrarive activity like reading or studding or deep intelectual concentration. This special Alpha rhythms are particular of meditation, in this case Zazen and shikantaza techniques. The Alpha rhythms given by the intellectual and artistic concentration are still rough. On the other hand, the Alpha wave lenths given by Zazen (or meditation) indicates an absolut relaxation of the electromagnetic tone of the brian which leads to external feeling of pace and mindfulness.

The overall result of this particular mode of brian function is what leads to a very deep and easy way of breathing that keeps a steady heart tone that increases arround a 40% the circulation of oxygenated blood to all organs and into the brain itself in a positive feedback loop. The brian after some time of contious practice of Zazen learns to recall this special way of operation even in daily life.

The increased heart tone causes movilization of fat from body deposits and can lead, after some time of constant practice, to the use of body fatty deposits more efficiently and reduce the energy requirements by a half leading to a low calorie diet that is essencial for keeping a good meditative performance.

So, there is no reason to think about health risks when one is devoted to meditative practice as it is required by the Soto Zen tradition.

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