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Old 06-01-2010, 04:49 AM   #7

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Oct 2005
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I'm extremely new, but would like to share something here.

When I was a Christian, I tried sooooo hard to overcome lustful thoughts, sex/porn addiction, whatever you want to call it. For years. I tried everything.

In my studies in trying to overcome this, I learned a few things. One of them is some people are more hard wired sexually than others. This is a physiological reaction. Going to great means work against this natural bodily need can end up causing more harm than good, especially emotionally and psychologically.

When I was working on this, I read every book, attended every seminar, 12 step group, saw Christian therapists, secular therapists....even took medications to neutralize my sex drive. Nothing worked.

As I've been transtioning away from Christianity and toward buddhism, something I learned about mindfulness and the 5 precepts for me anyway. After discussing things with my wife, we came up with a set of baseline, acceptable sexual behaviors. Once I've settled into those things, I'm not obsesing about "not doing it". I'm also not riddled with shame and guilt . By allowing myself certain behaviors that I know will not cause suffering, I'm able to work on other things.

Maybe this isn't doing it right, or not in line completely with buddhist teachings...but the monk I spoke to yesterday said the key is to finding personal happiness and I feel like i'm on the way. I have way bigger things I need to work on. Anywa, I hope this helps.
Mister.levitra is offline


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