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02-04-2010, 01:29 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Jin, Do you meditate at all?
Hi Lise,
thanks for the reply
. I did attempt counting the breath and I managed to complete one cycle before my little brother came bursting in
I learnt this technique thanks to Aloka-D showing me some excellent meditation videos on youtube, here's the ][/url]
I'm finding there's not enough hours in the day at the moment, but hopefully when I can get a bit more ' Me time ' I can practice meditation properly. At the moment I'm trying to meditate lying in bed just before I fall asleep because I'm too tired too to do sitting meditation. I'm sort of experimenting with watching the breath while listening to a CD of a thunderstorm of all things. This might sound a little strange, but I find it really hard to sleep in silence and I always fall asleep with a CD or the radio on, it's a bad habit I know but I've been doing it for many years now.
I did have a strange experience while doing this, it seemed like emptiness. All the sounds around me became crystal clear and I lost that feeling of chaos I normally associate with a thunderstorm, I think I got a momentary glimpse of peace. Unfortunately I was drifting in and out of sleep and I think it was me falling asleep which ended the moment so I didn't get a chance to fully contemplate the moment till the next morning
If you have any more questions feel free to ask away
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