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Old 09-09-2011, 02:00 PM   #25

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In 2006, a wide range of black politicians, senior clergy members, civil rights icons and community leaders signed a "National Call to Action and Declaration of Commitment to End the AIDS Epidemic in Black America" in which they promised to do everything in their power to address the epidemic in their communities.65 This was followed by a meeting of eight high profile African American organisations at the 16th AIDS conference in Toronto, where leaders pledged to work together to reverse the spread of HIV in the black community by 2011, and to openly discuss homosexuality, drug use and sex within prisons.66

Though their is difficulty in tracing infections that may be tattoo or intravenous drug related. It's from a Georgia report of HIV cases acquired in prison.

This report describes the results of that investigation, which identified the following characteristics as associated with HIV seroconversion in prison: male-male sex in prison, tattooing in prison, older age (i.e., age of >26 years at date of interview), having served >5 years of the current sentence, black race, and having a body mass index (BMI) of
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