Some cultures do find homosexuality to be more acceptable than other cultures and these cultures consequently have more people engaging in homosexuality. Early Europeans did document homosexual relations among some pre-colonial African tribes but almost all Africans hate them today. Many of the African peoples that engaged in homosexuality engaged in a male-male dominant-submissive relationships especially in the form of pederasty. Female homosexuality was also documented but to a lesser extent. Western culture is currently in a state of guilt, shame and pity so they feel like accepting homosexuality as an equally valid lifestyle is the right thing to do. I'm not a hater of homos and I don't believe in laws against the act itself but I don't believe that their sexual orientation/deviancy should be considered normal or equally valid to heterosexuality. Homosexual marriage is a prime example of how this has gone too far. I don't agree with everything in this article, but it's informative.