Coming to America is actually a pretty good movie. It has its highs and lows...Comedy and drama...A range you don't necessarily expect from movies primarily written, produced, and starring those of African descent. I have seen them but they are not known well enough for people to expect them. And there's a range of people in the film, light and dark. Even the movie's heroine is neither dark nor light...But pretty between. The company that's suppose to be from Africa remind me of Western Africans now that I think about it. Good storytelling. I was thinking about a movie I saw only a bit of yesterday. Apparently it's an older movie. Girl 6. It's about a black woman who gets addicted to being a telephone sex operator. There are other aspects of the sex industry present. It's another movie that's a bit of an anomaly in the world of black movie making(By Spike Lee). It's more serious...There's bits of it that's kitschy and comedic, but all in all, it's a pretty strong movie. I also wanted to add that I like the realism of it...She's not tailor made for this job and it shows. She learns and grows...and I like that progression. She's every bit as meek and coy as you would expect. And Quentin Tarantino can really play a douche. I wanted to smack him. Ghost Dad's cast did look more "Mixed" to me...Especially the girls. But maybe that's just me. I like the film. The story. It's been a while since i've seen it. But that's another strong movie. I think that level of storytelling in film has gone downhill. Music is a lot more diverse for women of African descent. Because anyone who can make music *can make music. But not everyone will be picked to star in a film. That's where some biases will show. The Trinities and morpheus' of films are usually the sidekicks. Black characters in title roles are usually reserved to the realm of unrealistic action movie heroes. Rarely do they play those people whom have a variety of emotions, such as fear and vulnerability, and thus are put into more unrelatable roles. I often wonder at the lack of black people in Horror movies. Again, I guess if anything, it's assumed black people have a voodoo curse or bullet for any ghosts inhabiting their house. But Tales in the Hood is another movie with a mainly black cast that oddly shined above the rest of the black horror movie fails. A bit off topic. But it still relates to movies so.