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Old 05-22-2012, 07:15 AM   #2

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^^^^ I dont think so mate, There's a relatively big german colony in Mexico but they arent related to the NAZI ideals, I know some of them that's why I tell you that.

I happened to know -some years ago- this Czech dude who was sort of a NAZI.

I met him because I like military history and I am interested in the second WW.

A friend of mine who is also into second WW stuff introduced me to this guy, I remember when I firts met him, my mexican friend told him "Wenceslav" -that was his name- this is Armand my friend why dont you talk to him about your experience with this dude Adolf Eichman.

Then he stared at me with hesitation and then my friend told him not to worry because I was a friend.

Then he told me this story about Adolf Eichmann living in his parents house in Czechoslovaquia at those times of NAZI occupation.

It was funny because when he talked about Hitler he refered to him as "Our Führer!!!" , it was funny to hear someone to talk like that just at the end of 20th Century.

That was the first and the last time I met that dude, and last thing I heard from him is that he commited suicide!!!.

Eventhough he talked about the NAZIS as to be friendly people and Hitrler as his führer, i dont think he was Racist at all his wife -or couple- was a mexican mestiza, I knew that for my friend.

Odd character that dude.

Other than that there are no NAZIS at Mexico, the ones who show themselves as NAZI are nothing but "Mestinazis"....
ImmimiFruff is offline


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