We eat "shish kebabs" here, where did that word come from?
Haha, don't "Kizomba" and "Kuduro" sound like african words to you? It is Angolan, people here don't even get most of what they sing about but the rythm is contagious
countries who have (not had) influence on greece 1: united states 2: united kingdom 3: 4: france 5: italy 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: middle eastern countries - turkey - balkan countries. position 4 and 5 is rather subjective. the gaps are there on purpose to indicate the amount of influence, list would also include russia but they got communism so now they can sit in the corner and cry lol. we don't have much influence on our foods, the basic foreign foods are pizza, chinese food and sushi, american "berger" style fast food is also an "imported" thing, but wierd enought the local greek companies are doing way better than macdonalds (they close one after the other rofl). italian cuisine is like a sub category of the greek cuisine, turkish food only has a few dishes which aren't allready in the greek cuisine. we watch tons of hollywood film, and second come france and italy, but they are generaly appriciated more like art than junk subculture. music industry is too complicated to describe it.