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Old 07-30-2011, 11:37 AM   #23

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Turkish food is also very popular probably more eated than fast food, especially kebab.

Kebab is so popular here, a song was made by a turkish restaurant owner for promote his restaurant and the song become a number 1 hit :

A thing who is funny kebabs are named here "Sandwich grec" or "grec" , grec is the french word for Greek. I don't know why it's named like that because most of kebabs owner here are turks or french
actualy about kebab

Kebab (Persian:كباب, also kebap, kabab, kebob, kabob, kibob, kebhav, kephav, kebabie, Cevap[1]) is a wide variety of meat dishes originating in Persia[2][3][4] and later on adopted by the Middle East and Turkey, and now found worldwide. I

now about this, you probably call it grec because of gyros.
but i wont say more because i don't want ashina to come and start explaining how yakuts eat baklava in ciberia.
(ofc i am not saying that its greek)

also i will not go into details about other similar foods, beause i am sure alot of people who are used only to see supermarket meat will be shocked.
Maypeevophy is offline


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