Your country: despective words towards ethnic groups.
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05-03-2012, 09:25 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
I thought you were Spanish (Galician to be concrete) and then you emmigrated to the USA.
That's my ethnicity. American is my nationality.
Everyone at this forum knows my background. You use this forum as an outlet for your psychological issues that you don't bother to see what else is going on at the forum.
EDIT:I actually used myself as an example once when discussing nationality and ethnicity with you, retard. You're just too stupid to remember what people post. In fact, you often forget what is said if a few weeks go by. One time you tried to use my own argument against me. That was recent when I brought up the Portuguese. You have no ability to remember anything.
So you make it worst:
you haven't even brought up in Spain and you're living lessons about spanish sociology!
I know Spanish sociology quite well. For example, you'd be classified as a Spanish stereotype. The fanatical Spaniard has a great deal of truth to it.
Listen, my dear... I may be a woman with problems as you said... but I'm not stupid and a guy like you is not going to pull my leg. Your problem is that you're stupid and I never "pulled your leg." Everything I said can be sourced. Even Villspair, a Catalan Nationalist, has pointed out how you're often wrong.
I know Spanish very well as there are a lot of them in Catalonia... Yeah, they're your parents and other family members.
The typical ones reluctant to learn Catalan (even they are upset if you talk to them in Catalan, like some offense), singing "fuck Barça, fuck Catalonia" since their childhood...
I know very well what I'm talking about, and a conceited man like you living in the other side in the world is not going to give me lessons
. You don't know anything. You've shown that many times. People at this forum recognize you as a fanatic. A woman who gets her information from forums and a watered down book for lazy people and tourists should spend less time yapping and more time reading. I gave you a link to a great deal of books about Catalunya written in English but you don't care about Catalunya's history and culture. You only care about having something to give your life meaning.
Have a nice day. I always have a nice day. That goes without saying. You? Not so much. You're a loser. The worst thing that could happen to you is Catalunya becoming it's own nation because that would mean you have no goal to focus on any longer. That means you'd have to look for something else to give your life meaning or you'd be stuck thinking how much your life sucks. You think you're depressed now? Shit.. I'd be surprised if you don't cut your wrists a few years after Catalunya becomes independent.
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