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Old 01-31-2012, 02:00 PM   #12

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Nov 2005
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When did this idea come about? During slavery times?
I think it was during and after the transatlantic slave period, and the islamic period as well. However, if you research ancient writing in reference to black people the points of views were quite a contrast, than it is today. Look up the ancient Jewish writer flavius josephus, and other ancient writers about the Kingdom of Meroe some was negative, but most was positive. Actually, many of the Priets of the cult of isis was nubian origin, ironically the tomb of Philae today which is basically a tourist trap now is located in upper Egypt or Aswan today and the population there is still majority nubian, and many nubian during antiquity traveled to places such as Rome, and were missionary of their religion during that period of history. Observe the Frescoe of Herculaneum notice the three priests above the stairway are wearing clothing which is a contrast of the clean shaving dark skin individual who is likely foreign or from the area i mentioned. There are other dark skinned priest from the nile valley as well one leading what looks like a choir or something singing in praise of their goddess isis, which is the god these people are worshipping at this temple in Pompeii. The another priest in the center is offering some sought of Libations to the goddess as well, and another individual probably from that region, but mostly likely a immigrant and sitting down behind the priest playing a flute, his hair is not clean shaven which indicates he is not a priest. This should give you a indication that the relationship between some Africans and Whites was a contrast than it is today. However they did not necessarily judge by skin color like we do today, but they judge more in reference to nations, culture, and tribes. I am not saying it was less color prejudice, but it was not as extreme as it is now in most nation states today, however this continues to be debated among most scholars who study race and antiquity. Therefore it is a continuing subject.
links above again.
The frescoes was found in Pompeii Rome.

Again, I am not saying it is factual but this is my opinion, and some professional scholars share similar opinions about this very topic as well, yet this subject about race and the ancient world still continue to be controversial and continue to be debated among scholars of antiquity.

Here is a few links
non afro centric website.

Excerpt from the link below

Thanks to the Nubian world, the Egyptian memory has been saved through the cult of Isis during the first centuries A.D. It’s only with Champollion that the Nilotic history reborns, proving the importance of the cultures and the civilizations which have marked the Nile Valley.

The remains of the isis temple in Pompeii today

Temple of Philae modern day Aswan, it was further south before the building of the Aswan high dam, this was the Jerusalem of Mecca of the cult of Isis. The cult spread throughout the Mediterranean and even as far as Roman Britian, but it integated into the local gods as well, which formed a syncretism of some sought, and obviously those ideas enter Christian thought as well.

End note: Some Roman rulers were known followers of the ancient cult, Caligula among others.



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