Why is the average marriage age lower in the US than in Western Europe?
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09-28-2010, 09:22 PM
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Oct 2005
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usually the more educated a population the lower the marriage age, Americans generally have more people with university degrees than most European nations, but...
It's not a mystery.
Americans are more religious, religious folks, especially rural ones marry earlier.
Has nothing to do with material security. Americans with very little marry all the time.
I don't think minorities are significant on this tread as the two largest minority groups African Americans (12% of the pop) and Hispanics (13%) have low marriage rates, about 70% of black kids born out of wedlock and 50% of Hispanics...although I can confirm that Hispanics do marry quite early, but this is usually recent immigrants (I'm guess over somewhere between 50-60% of Hispanics in America were not born in America).
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