I read up on this a while ago. Hapa was an original Hawaiian word for half-breed. Quapa is some made up crap. Not to mention it sounds like Quapaw which was an actual Native tribe in Arkansas. Anyway I can understand people using Hapa, especially in Hawaii where it is from the native language, but why invent silly terms like quapa? I can be a quarter-breed, Eurasian, Amerasian, off-white, mixed-race, Anglo-Jap, etc. I don't need new invented silly words.
The Southeast Asian/Islander hapas look easily Mestizo,while the East Asian ones look like Anime characters,especially half Japanese. Rhetorical question,would someone who is half West Papuan or some other Melanesian ethnicity and half Caucasian,but is from Indonesia,be considered "Eurasian/Hapa" or "Mulatto"?