A lot of you are quite ignorant, almost moronic. You don't know real Africans. You haven't been to Africa. What you know comes from some fifth hand source or what you see in your country, and you think the people who are called Black in your country are the same as Black Africans who also look like Beyonce or Michael Jackson or Lena Horne or Jesse Jackson or Oprah Winfrey or Whoopi Goldberg. Those New Worlders are all mongrels, Americanoid creations of Colonization, genetically a bit of everything usually the crap of every race less the kitchen sink. I have been to Africa, there are many Africans here in Australia from all the major trouble spots which seems like most of that continent and I am telling you most sub Saharan Africans don't look like Beyonce or Michael Jackson or Cassius Marcellus Clay or Frosty the Snowman. They are uniformly Black. Black is the nearest shade to their skin color, not dark brown, not chocolate but black. The difference is the depth and shine of the black. Have any of you seen a real full blooded Southern Sudanese? I guess not from your level of ignorance. They are super black, actually quite beautifully black. In their case black is definitely beautiful. Not those horrid half breeds in the north of Sudan, real Sudanese people. In my town the Sudanese tend to work in the supermarkets, doing security work, teaching and nursing. They work quite hard and are an affable people. That is the difference between the ratbags here in this forum who think they are Black and real African Blacks. You and they cannot be compared. You are fakes, the great pretenders and they are the real deal. I doubt the goose that started this thread knows much about Africa or Africans or anything else for that matter. A real fuckhead. As to Australian Aborigines, I see quite a few when I go to town and of various tribal nations. They are almost uniformly black skinned, some are as shiny and black as the Southern Sudanese, but most are a dull black. Nothing dark brown about them. There are South Asians in my town also. They tend to be various shades of brown, a few are near Aborigine black but not many. Australoid is rather a loose descriptor. There is very little similarity between Australian Aborigines, Papuans, Melanesians, some Micronesians, SE Asian Negritos, Andaman Islanders, South Asian Weddids. They vary more than than the other groups. It is not fair to throw in KhoiSanids or Pygmoid groups in Africa as they are minor African ethnic groups, and they will become extinct. If you haven't noticed, no White person is White. Lots of colors but not white.