Greeting Batman I am sorry to bust your bubble again, most of the schools in the East Coast or probably elsewhere in the country hardly teach ancient aztec or mayan history, therefore i don't know where you coming from with that none sense. Unless you are taking a coarse in College, or watching the history of discovery channel, other than that people don't care. Also, I had never heard of Cinco de mayo, until i moved in Los Angeles, nor have i heard of the Afram holiday Juneteeth therefore in places like New York, and other East Coast cities Mexicans is pretty much irrelevant with the only expection is the immigration issues. Needless to say, the Puerto Ricans do have a parade every june, and the music is alive and kicking unlike your Mariachi. P.S. I did watch some of the videosand the music still sound like circus music to me again No offense! Hasta la vista amigo ---------- Post added 2012-02-06 at 23:53 ---------- Again, the key word here is Third, therefore Puerto Ricans still dominant the political scene in New York, again your statement here is irrelevant. Try again from the next thread Friend. Peace.