Their language is not completely unique, they speak a southern berber dialect. We can keep talkin about how it's "different" from the other berber languages, but in fact all beberlanguages differ at least a bit from eachother-regional differences. Even within the subtribes
Well, AWall, I took it they were just a confederation of desert tribes calling themselves "Kel Tamasheq", meaning speakers of the Tamasheq language. Interestingly "Tamasheq" sounds slightly similar to "Amazigh" and has consonants similar to "TMHW" (ancient egyptian name for a group of people living in the desert to their fairly immediate West, I think having something to do with "blue" or "indigo" -- these people themselves are usually seen as "Libyans"). More interestingly I recall a picture of a Zenata Berber man resembled the frizzy / braided (?) / grown-out hair style given to the TMHW in one dipiction, although the Berber dude in question was very dark skinned while the TMHW group are always creamy white skinned. They aren't the only "Libyans depicted but are the most famous on the internet. ---------- Post added 2011-09-11 at 21:57 ---------- By the way, in the depiction in question, I think the TMHW have brown / light brown hair