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Old 01-06-2012, 06:09 AM   #3

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People in Canada seem to have a messed up attitude towards rape. Many times girls, too.

They'll ask things like "what was she wearing?" or "was she drunk?", and just generally make it out to be her fault. They'll still get support. In my community, though, if you rape a girl, you'll get beaten senseless by all the guys in the community.
With respect, I believe those questions, while insensitive to ask, are sometimes appropriate questions to ask . Crimes rarely occur in a vacuum and to take umbrage because someone queried why a certain crime happened to a certain person is to bury your head in the sand. Suppose you were burgled, would you object to the police asking about the security precautions you had taken, and those you had not taken? Victims may hold some blame for crimes.

This attitude that people who accuse others of sex crimes are a delicate species and beyond reproach has pervaded the justice system in my country, and on my continent, to such an extent that, by virtue of an EU edict, it is rarely allowed for a defence barrister, in a sex crime trial, to raise the question of the purported victim's sexual past. Of course rape is a horrible crime and those who commit it deserve to go away for many, many years but that does not mean that those accused of the crime should have their rights as innocent people limited.

It really is political correctness gone mad.

P.S. Are these revenge attacks common? People will often, especially on the internet, talk about revenge and the like but the threats rarely seems to materialise. Hundreds of murderers walk out of prison every year and very, very few are ever the subject of a revenge attack- which leads me to believe most victims and victims' families are bitter, fair enough, and full of shit.
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