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Old 01-22-2012, 07:08 AM   #17

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Because it creates strong incentives for false rape accusations:

For example: I meet you at a dance club and invite you to dance with me. I grind my ass towards you on the dance floor and give you the impression that you can put your hands there. When you do so, I cry assault/sexual harassment, and I just made £1000. And you stand there as a dumbass saying the typical "but she wanted to".

If I take it further and take you home from the club, I don't have to do anything, we can drink tea and discuss the weather for an hour, the next day I go to the police and say that you raped me. According to this article, I just made £11,000 on one hour of tea drinking.
According to the article maybe, but a solicitor who deals with a lot of cases involving the Criminal Injuries Compensation people told me that getting any money is like getting blood out of a stone. I think you would, in practice, need a conviction to get a pay-out. He said the firm makes a lot more money suing on behalf of 'whiplash victims' Easy gig, up to £8,000 for a couple of hours on the phone, and you can keep maybe a grand or so. I fear that gravy train may have departed by the time I become a lawyer, should I do so.

I don't think it would be worth it for the hassle, and isn't the £11,000 the maximum figure, not a guaranteed sum?

If you get prosecuted, which you will if I can tell a decent story, I'll offer you to settle out of court for £20,000 or you go to prison for rape.
That would be highly illegal and you would be going down for perverting the course of justice if you made such an offer, meanwhile all of your credibility as a witness would have been destroyed and the rape trial would inevitably collapse.

Even if you get acquitted in court, I get to keep the payout, and you get nothing:

Now consider that there will be a lot of young women losing their jobs this year. They have bills to pay and they've been around the block a few times. They really have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Maybe so, but rape charges seem to stick, the cops will assume the woman has been intimidated or is embarrassed if she changes her story, now perhaps a rape case can't survive without it's key witness, but that doesn't mean the police will give up easily. I suspect they would treat any attempt to change your story as a sign you were either intimidated into doing so or your story was a pack of lies from the word go.
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