Because it creates strong incentives for false rape accusations: For example: I meet you at a dance club and invite you to dance with me. I grind my ass towards you on the dance floor and give you the impression that you can put your hands there. When you do so, I cry assault/sexual harassment, and I just made £1000. And you stand there as a dumbass saying the typical "but she wanted to". If I take it further and take you home from the club, I don't have to do anything, we can drink tea and discuss the weather for an hour, the next day I go to the police and say that you raped me. According to this article, I just made £11,000 on one hour of tea drinking.
If you get prosecuted, which you will if I can tell a decent story, I'll offer you to settle out of court for £20,000 or you go to prison for rape.
Even if you get acquitted in court, I get to keep the payout, and you get nothing: Now consider that there will be a lot of young women losing their jobs this year. They have bills to pay and they've been around the block a few times. They really have nothing to lose and everything to gain.