How come Latin Americans of Spaniard descent are darker than Spanairds
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01-22-2012, 06:10 AM
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Oct 2005
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I have read that in colonial times the american whites or criollos were angry every time a ship with spaniards 'peninsulares' came to the americas; they were bothered by the 'super-whiteness' of peninsulares in comparision with them.
But spanish recent immigration to the americas were from all over spain, galicia, canary islands, andalucia, navarra, catalonia... every corner sent people to america.
I don't know if it's imaginary or real, but among the living spaniards today, the young generations are taller (this is a fact) and lighter (my impression) than old generations. Even blondes blue-eyed old men/women seem like darker and less progressive (like in progressive people thread) than youngs, no matter if blonde or brunette.
Improvement in quality of life I guess.
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